Wednesday 10 April 2013

Visit to Middelburg 133

Armed with biltong, droe wors and "cold beverages", Guillym and I set out to Middelburg on Tuesday afternoon. A great drive up, with lots being chatted about and sights to see along the way.

Guillym overfilled his lighter before we left which did create issues for him as it leaked onto his skin, but a cold bottle soon numbed the area! We stopped at the Daggaboer's Farm Stall for a pit-stop...

Arrived in a very, very cold Middelburg, and were warmly greeted by Tommy, Gordon, Hansie and Rencia. Some great snacks and a good meeting followed after which we had a braai. Managed to drag ourselves off to bed at Hansie's house just before we turned into pumpkins!!!

Next morning, we all met at Gordon's Mom's coffee shop for breakfast and met Tommy's wife. Said our goodbyes and were on our way!

The trip back was punctuated by the occasional pit-stop again, and after a hilarious scene where I tried to over-take a parked truck on the highway (not realising we were stopped at a Stop/Go...) we got back just after 1pm. A great trip - thanks Guillym for joining me!!!

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