Saturday 13 April 2013

Trophies galore!

Some of the trophies won and raided by Alex/Kenton 210 recently. Note the small wooden crosses we were donated as raiding trophies for each Club.

The big wheel is the Travel Wheel, the big horns The Steek-jou-dood Trophy, the toilet seat belongs to Adelaide 194, the Mullet Award belongs to Grahamstown 11, the Axe belongs to Port Alfred 177, the small shield is the Ladies Travel Shield, the pewter mug is the Middelburg PR Trophy, and the small wooden trophy belongs to Port Alfred 177.

Great stuff, chaps - we now still need to find our raft race trophies (Cradock 37 had them last) and the glass Albert O'Callaghan Trophy for Project of the Year (still with Kirkwood 78).

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Visit to Middelburg 133

Armed with biltong, droe wors and "cold beverages", Guillym and I set out to Middelburg on Tuesday afternoon. A great drive up, with lots being chatted about and sights to see along the way.

Guillym overfilled his lighter before we left which did create issues for him as it leaked onto his skin, but a cold bottle soon numbed the area! We stopped at the Daggaboer's Farm Stall for a pit-stop...

Arrived in a very, very cold Middelburg, and were warmly greeted by Tommy, Gordon, Hansie and Rencia. Some great snacks and a good meeting followed after which we had a braai. Managed to drag ourselves off to bed at Hansie's house just before we turned into pumpkins!!!

Next morning, we all met at Gordon's Mom's coffee shop for breakfast and met Tommy's wife. Said our goodbyes and were on our way!

The trip back was punctuated by the occasional pit-stop again, and after a hilarious scene where I tried to over-take a parked truck on the highway (not realising we were stopped at a Stop/Go...) we got back just after 1pm. A great trip - thanks Guillym for joining me!!!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Diaz Old Age Home Braai

During Kenton Capers 2012 we were donated R 2,000 in Spar vouchers by Rosehill Spar in Port Alfred, and it was decided that we would use these for a braai at the Daiz Old Age Home in Alexandria. Marco was chosen as the convenor, and with his trusty side-kick Maryke, they made the preparations.

We all gathered in the courtyard at the Old Age Home, and all the residents were brought out to sit with us in the sun. It was wonderful to see them enjoying chatting to us, or just watching us as we worked and mingled. Maryke did her best to speak to everyone, and at times needed either a translator or a book to write what she was trying to say, but hats off to her!

We braai'd some chicken sosaties and boerewors, and I think between the smell of the braai and the great taste of the meat, the residents were in seventh heaven! The girls handed out chocolates to everyone as a small pudding snack, and we were all called into the Dining Room to be thanked.

There were heart-rending moments during the morning, but the great feeling one gets from giving is something which cannot be bought or explained. Well done Marco on a good project!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Visit to Thornhill 208

It was after the Easter weekend, I was feeling as though I had eaten enough Easter eggs to sink a battleship. I had worked all weekend and was needing a fresh injection of fun and couldn’t wait to get down to Thornhill for their business meeting. After a few phone calls, emails, sms’s and Whatsupp messages, it was arranged and the guys all arrived at my house in the pouring rain to leave their cars.

Adriaan (our Area Vice Chairman), Eugene (our Area PRO), my faithful side-kick Guillym and I all piled into the trusty Polo to make our epic voyage of discovery. After a brief stop at Prestons in Bushmans (where it appears I am getting a reputation of arriving to buy drinks with a car load of people dressed in quagga shoes and a striped jacket…) where we were greeted with open arms, we were off! The rain and wind were an irritant, but gave us a great opportunity to catch up in the car and chat.

As the only one in the car who had actually been to Thornhill (and I must confess it was not only a while ago, but I may have been “under the weather” at the time), I confidently drove us right up to the front door of the hotel. After some confusion (there were no vehicles out front) we saw Deon in the window of the bar and decided we were in fact at the right spot.

We were joined by Jannie and Johan from Zwartkops 195, and together with the guys from Thornhill 208 we enjoyed a good meeting. The best thing about travelling is seeing how other Clubs operate, and listening to their projects and ideas. Much fellowship and laughter followed, together with a fantastic supper.

After a lengthy goodbye, we managed to get ourselves back in the car and on our way, arriving at my house just before 1am. Thanks guys for a great evening and for the support!  It is always much appreciated!