Wednesday 6 March 2013

What's in a name?

A lot of people ask why some of our older banners and regalia, including the Chairman's Chain of Office, state Round Table 210 Alexandria, but we are now called Round Table 210 Alex/Kenton.

Two Clubs were initially started in 1976, namely a Kenton-on-Sea Club and an Alexandria Club. They went through all the motions of chartering their individual Clubs, had their meetings and even started projects. It was then decided that the Kenton members would all transfer to the Alexandria Club and Round Table 210 Alexandria was chartered.

The meetings took place in the back rooms of the old Alexandria Hotel, until a Clubhouse was leased from the Municipality on a 99-year lease on the Middle Beach Parking area in 1983. Unfortunately this lease was cancelled after 1994, after which a five-year lease renewable every five years was signed.

In 1987, it was decided that as most of the members of the Club were actually from Kenton-on-Sea, and seeing as how the Clubhouse was there, the Club approached The Association of Round Tables of Southern Africa and successfully had our name changed to Round Table 210 Alex/Kenton.

Our logo depicts the name change, as well as the Diaz Cross near Kwaaihoek.

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