Thursday 7 March 2013

Social Life

In Alex/Kenton 210 we have two floating social trophies, namely the Social Cross and the Social Pot.

The Social Cross is a wooden depiction of our logo, the Diaz Cross, and comes with a small leather-bound book in which a short story of how the recipient received and passed on the cross is written. There are many theories as to how the Social Cross must be moved, but the origins are far simpler - the need arose when the Club started for all the members to get to know one another better. The trophy was adopted to encourage Tablers to invite people they didn't know very well into their homes for a meal, and encouraged social fellowship in the Club.

The Cross these days can be moved at any function (from a cup of coffee, a quick beer at someone's house, a meal out, or a five-course dinner at your house) as long as you have the following mix: you, the Tabler you are giving the Cross to, the Tabler you got the Cross from, and a witness (and all their wives, girlfriends or partners).

The Social Pot is a galvinised black cooking pot on a wooden base, and is much less complicated. Again, the need arose in the early days of the Club for a social event to take place on a regular basis to encourage social growth, and each Member was designated a month of the year to hold a social event for the whole club, and provide food at the meetings held that month. These days we are a lot more active socially, but the Pot does seem to take it's time to move around. The meals at the meetings have been re-introduced and are a great hit!

Of course, with both these trophies it's not always disclosed when you are the recipient, with many a Tabler finding a hidden treasure in their cooler-box, wife's handbag or spare wheel space in the boot.

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