Friday 12 July 2013

On the move - the Social Cross' story

So there I was, resting fairly comfortably under the front seat of a white Polo, chatting up an empty Hunter's Dry bottle and some loose peanuts when all of a sudden I am grabbed and carried into Marco & Maryke's house - this I gathered from all the excited chatter around me. Since my re-sanding and re-varnishing operation a few weeks ago, I was rather excited to see my old friend, the book, again and wasted no time showing off my new curves and face.

Before I knew it, we were off again to that place I know so well in Kenton: Jeremiah's - turns out that I was held by Guillym but was now given to Marco over a few drinks and pizza. Nice one, chaps, be great if a little of that whiskey made it my way! After much discussion and passing around the table, I was whisked off back to Marco & Maryke's house where the smell of coffee told me that there was more afoot than a simple after-dinner cuppa.

How right I was! Before he even realised that he was being hoodwinked, I was passed over to Ockie. Now you would think that I would be one of the more desired trophies (I mean, have you seen that Social Pot - serious pot-belly alert!) but being passed to him seemed to make Ockie a little angry.

After much laughter and discussion, negotiation and giggles we all put into the boot of Alan's car and driven to the Volo for a night-cap. Yes, you guessed it. Another plot was afoot, and after some Amarula (fake dom-pedros as the kitchen had closed by then) and a round of Locomotion round the pub, I was safely ensconced once more in the confines of the white Polo, back in the position of Guillym.

What a night to remember! I even got to chat to that sexy rock hiding in the boot of the car again. 

Signing out,

The Social Cross
That sexy rock, Rocksy

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