Friday 12 July 2013

On the move - the Social Cross' story

So there I was, resting fairly comfortably under the front seat of a white Polo, chatting up an empty Hunter's Dry bottle and some loose peanuts when all of a sudden I am grabbed and carried into Marco & Maryke's house - this I gathered from all the excited chatter around me. Since my re-sanding and re-varnishing operation a few weeks ago, I was rather excited to see my old friend, the book, again and wasted no time showing off my new curves and face.

Before I knew it, we were off again to that place I know so well in Kenton: Jeremiah's - turns out that I was held by Guillym but was now given to Marco over a few drinks and pizza. Nice one, chaps, be great if a little of that whiskey made it my way! After much discussion and passing around the table, I was whisked off back to Marco & Maryke's house where the smell of coffee told me that there was more afoot than a simple after-dinner cuppa.

How right I was! Before he even realised that he was being hoodwinked, I was passed over to Ockie. Now you would think that I would be one of the more desired trophies (I mean, have you seen that Social Pot - serious pot-belly alert!) but being passed to him seemed to make Ockie a little angry.

After much laughter and discussion, negotiation and giggles we all put into the boot of Alan's car and driven to the Volo for a night-cap. Yes, you guessed it. Another plot was afoot, and after some Amarula (fake dom-pedros as the kitchen had closed by then) and a round of Locomotion round the pub, I was safely ensconced once more in the confines of the white Polo, back in the position of Guillym.

What a night to remember! I even got to chat to that sexy rock hiding in the boot of the car again. 

Signing out,

The Social Cross
That sexy rock, Rocksy

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Somerset East Road Trip

It all started on a Wednesday... I drove through to Port Elizabeth and collected the Immediate Past President, Guy Crichton and his wife Zelda and son Andrew.

Some on-board liquid refreshments made the journey shorter and we arrived home in time to refresh ourselves before the rest of the Club arrived for a braai. The whole gang was there, including Kowie from Worcester - great catching up again. Rather an excessive amount of wine was consumed before we all said our good-nights.

Thursday morning I took the Crichtons on a tour via our Clubhouse in Kenton, the Big Pineapple and Bathurst, before arriving in Grahamstown at the Altichiero's house. We all went down to the Grahamstown Arts Festival for the rest of the day, finishing up at the Rat and Parrot for supper. Delicious pizzas!

Friday morning, after a late start, we attacked the stalls again on the Village Green before catching up with the Port Alfred Tablers and Ryno from Grahamstown 11 at the Beer Tent. Sjoe, it was a long afternoon! We then all packed the cars, grabbed Jacques and Daleen too, and headed off to Somerset East. Friday night was one of those fast, hard and short parties where most people went home reasonably early. Much fun was had by all :-)

Saturday morning us men had our Conference meeting whilst the Ladies enjoyed some relaxation and pottery classes nearby on a farm. We met up again after lunch before finding the Men's Club in Somerset East for rugby viewing and snooker. The evening was a dress-up theme of Cowboys, and again the mood was fantastic with everyone dancing and enjoying themselves tremendously.

Sunday saw us catching some breakfast together before I headed back to PE with the Crichtons and then on home. What a weekend, what a road-trip, what fun!

Jacques and Daleen - Mr & Mrs Wobberley

Alan trying out the saddle