Monday 24 March 2014

A New addition to the Round Table Family

Baby Olivia has arrived!!

Its with Happy Hearts and Open Arms that we welcome the newest member of the Goosen family.

And even though she is a little older than a month already, we still need to formally welcome this young lady to our extended family.

Proud father Ockie having a power-nap in the hospital while waiting for mom to recover.

 Chantelle a few days before the new arrival.
....and here is the little lady herself.

Congratulations Ockie and Chantelle!!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Alex/Kenton 210 at Area Conference

With Alan (AKA Steve) finishing off his year as E.P. Area Chairman it was a given that Alex/Kenton 210 would be there in force, to lend a little bit of support to a machine of a Tabler. 

The climax of the weekend was with the Saturday evening function, with a theme of "Formal but not Normal", where the ladies and gents came out 'sporting' a couple of fancy outfits. 

An absolute wonderful function organised by Zwarkops 195 (PE).

Lots of fun was had by all and it was a very well run Weekend.

On a last note, Alex/Kenton 210 managed to walk away with 3 Trophies on the night.
- Details to follow.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Alex/Kenton210 Round Table and "pipeliner".

Just to add to the ever building members blog here are the current internal contributors of the Alex/Kenton210 Round Table.
Starting from left to right.
Back: Jacques and Hans(current pipeliner)
Middle: Marco, Fabrizio and Ockie
Front: Alan and Guillym

Camera man; the ever present Port Alfred Tabler, Eugene Catherine.

Annual Raft Race

On Sunday Morning after the Induction Dinner, Alex/Kenton once again hosted a Raft Race. Which saw a number of people waking up early to attend.

This year saw the Uitenhage Round Table lifting their game and bring to the race a work of art and an engineering master piece. The Uitenhage Pirates designed a hand powered Ferris-wheel float that placed them as pre-race favourites, however as we would learn later on, a lack steering and a frame malfunction caused them to zigzag across the river, leaving a gap open.

That gap was taken by the Port Alfred modified bath-tub rig, who in return snuck into 1st position and finish the race in that as the over all winners.

The race was on for the last position, with the swirling torpedo float (swirling, because its crew spend most of the time rolling over into the water) of Swartkops taking an early lead, but thanks to some serious rowing power from the "walking on water" raft of Alex/Kenton the tables started turning.

It must be said, the "walking on water" needs an explanation, we seemed to not have made sure of the exact amount of flotation we required, which resulted in our raft working more like a submarine than a raft.

Needless to say Alex/Kenton managed to get in front of Swartkops, but our rowing speed seemed to be running out of power, so we did the next best thing, and decided to ram the Swartkops raft.

This educated gamble paid off and resulted in Alex/Kenton getting stuck to the front of the Swartkops raft, this allowed Alex/Kenton to sneak over the finishing line in a technical, but valid 3rd place.

Thank you to all the spectators and individuals who also decided to bring their own tyre-tubes/flotation devices and enjoyed the festivities.

A bring and braai was held at the Alex/Kenton 210 clubhouse at middle beach, where the trophy's were handed over.

 Uitenhage Pirates

 Ockie making some last minute adjustments

 Alex/Kenton210 raft still visible before the race started.

 Swartkops and their torpedo

Port Alfred and their bath-tub raft.

Induction Dinner 25th of January 2014

And so ended another year of office for the Alex/Kenton210 Round Table.

Things were changed for this year's induction dinner, with the combination of not two(like the previous years) but four Round Table clubs merging into one induction dinner.

As things would have it, Alex/Kenton 210 had the chance of being the 1st Round Table to host this combined induction dinner.

With a James Bond themed evening, and a wonderful function venue at the Stanley's Hall lots of fun memories were once again made.

 Jacques van Wyk ending his year, and handing over to Alan Malan who will once again take over the role as chairman for this coming year.

 The gents and ladies of Alex/Kenton 210 Round Table that helped make the evening so successful.

Jacques and Daleen before the chairmanship was handed over.